Friday, November 06, 2009

Every Day i try……..

5 (352)

Whenever I stand in front of Shyamsundara, I always promise myself that this is the end…this is the end of all my Karmic activities and I will not get allured to same any more, but as I will get  in touch of outside world I find myself stuck in the clutches of this miserable world as If I am a Ship which lost its way to home cause it got stuck in the whirlpool of lusty desires.

Sometimes I feel as if I am enjoying my senses to its fullest but there is a voice which tries to remind me my promise but the lusty hunger is so dear that it blocks my ears.

Don't known when I’ll get real love for Krishna and taste in Chanting, when will that day will come when I will get Rati for Nama or devotional service, whenever I chant I feel sleepy but when I will involve in any mundane talk I get fresh.

I am such a  foolish that I have given up the service of a person who is eternally situated within my heart & is actually most dear to me. That dear one is my Shyamsundara who is source of all beauty bestower of real love and happiness, although he is situated in my own heart and every time life after life I had neglected him.

O’ Krishna O’ Shyamsundara you are beautiful like a  Dark rain cloud please reveal me yourself through your nama and help me in my devotional endeavors.

Like a monsoon rain turns dry drought lifeless land into green bay in the same way please turn the devotional drought in my life into your pure love.

This is the small pray which I offer day after day till the time I will not get way which is back to your lotus feet.………. 

Hare Krishna