Sunday, May 09, 2010

Who was Putna in her previous Birth?

Today listen a very nice lecture where Previous Life of Putna was discussed, well not many people are aware this story so thought of writing it to my blog.

In her previous life Putna was a daughter of Bali Maharaja, now question is who is Bali Maharaja…so here goes the Katha.

Bali Maharaja: He is born in the same atheistic family of Maharaja Prahlada. He happened to be the grandson of Maharaja Prahlada, and as his great grand-father, Hiranyakasipu was very powerful.

Bali Maharaja also defeated the demigods several times, and was occupying all the planets. On request of Devtas, Lord Vishna agreed to help them and appeared as Vamandeva, son of Kasyamuni & Aditi.


Bali Maharaj vowed to fulfill give any and everything in charity so in a Yajna organized by Bali Maharaja under the guidance of his Spiritual Manager Skuracharya Lord posed himself as a dwaf brahmana and asked Bali Maharaja three footsteps in charity, without giving a second thought Bali Maharaj promised Vamandev to give three footsteps in charity even thought Bali Maharaj was instructed by Skuracharya that its a plot of Devta and Bali you are tricked by Vishu but Bali adhered his promised.

Lord Vamana expanded his body and in first footstep covered entire surface of the earth, the sky with His body and all directions with His arms. As the Lord took His second step, He covered the heavenly planets. And not even a spot remained for the third step, for the Lord's foot extended higher and higher, beyond Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and even Satyaloka.imgk5

Lord Vamana said, . O King of the demons, you have promised to give Me three steps of land, but I have occupied the entire universe with two steps. Now think about where I should put My third & looked mischievously toward Bali Maharaja,

Bali Maharaja was fixed in his determination. Considering himself not to have fulfilled his promise, he spoke I cannot allow my promise to be false. Please, therefore, place Your third lotus footstep on my head.


After hearing answer of Bali Maharaj, Lord Brahma who was present there said,  O well-wisher and master of all living entities, Bali Maharaja had already offered everything to Your Lordship. Without hesitation, he has offered his land, the planets and whatever else he earned by his pious activities, including even his own body.  How then can he deserve to suffer from arrest?

Lord Vamanadeva said: My dear Lord Brahma, because of material opulence a foolish person becomes dull-witted and mad. Thus he has no respect for anyone within the three worlds and defies even My authority. To such a person I show special favor by first taking away all his possessions. While rotating in the cycle of birth and death again and again in different species because of his own fruitive activities, the dependent living entity, by good fortune, may happen to become a human being. This human birth is very rarely obtained. If a human being is born in an aristocratic family or a higher status of life, if he performs wonderful activities, if he is youthful, if he has personal beauty, a good education and good wealth, and if he is nonetheless not proud of his opulences, it is to be understood that he is especially favored by the Supreme Person. Although aristocratic birth and other such opulences are impediments to advancement in devotional service because they are causes of false prestige and pride, these opulences never disturb a pure devotee of the Supreme Person. Bali Maharaja has become the most famous among the demons and nonbelievers, for in spite of being bereft of all material opulences, he is fixed in his devotional service. Although bereft of his riches, fallen from his original position, defeated and arrested by his enemies, rebuked and deserted by his relatives and friends, although suffering the pain of being bound and although rebuked and cursed by his spiritual master, Bali, being fixed in his vow, did not give up his truthfulness. It was certainly with pretension that I spoke about religious principles, but he did not give up religious principles, for he is true to his word.

The Lord continued: Because of his great tolerance, I have given him a place not obtainable even by the gods. He will become the Indra in the next coming Manvantara. Until Bali achieves the position of Indra, he shall live on the planet Sutala, which was made by Visvakarma according to My order. Because it is especially protected by Me, it is free from mental and bodily miseries, fatigue, dizziness, defeat and all other disturbances. Bali, you may now go live there peacefully. On the planet Sutala, not even the predominating deities of other planets, what to speak of ordinary people, will be able to conquer you. As far as the demons are concerned, if they transgress your rule, My disc will kill them. O great hero, I shall always be with you and give you protection in all respects along with your associates and paraphernalia. Moreover, you will always be able to see Me there. image

You must be wondering how Putna is connected with all this incident, image of God as Vaman Avtar was so beautiful that Bali's daughter was so pleased and wished in her mind that hope one day I should get a child like this and breastfeed Him. (Vatslyabhav) So God who knows everything said TATHASTU. But when Lord Vaman took everything from Bali looking at this Bali's daughter became upset and angry in her mind and wished she would feed poison to the same child for destroying my father. And God again said TATHASTU (Your wish will be granted). In Dvapar Yuga when Krishna appeared, HE fulfilled her both wishes when She fed poison to God of course God still gave her Mother’s status and permanent residence in his permanent abode.

Samsara Davanala Lidha Official Name: Śrī Śrī Gurv-aṣṭaka (Eight Prayers to the Guru)

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, who appeared in the middle of the seventeenth century, is a great spiritual master in the Krsna conscious chain of gurus and disciples. He says, “One who, with great care and alteration, loudly recites this beautiful prayer to the spiritual master during the Brahma-muhurta obtains direct service to Krsna, the Lord of Vrndavana, at the time of his death.”