Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Powerful rope that binds us to the material world, life after life.

The material energy degrades the wonderful qualities we souls possess in our pure state. Our greatest quality is our natural love for Krishna. In touch with the material energy, that love turns into lust, especially in the form of sexual attraction.

The Vedas explain that sexual desire is a powerful rope that binds us to the material world, life after life. And since human life is meant for freeing ourselves from this world and returning to Krishna, dealing with sexual desire is a crucial part of any spiritual path.

Sex diffuses human energy and distracts the mind like no other activity. People striving for excellence in many walks of life often find sexual abstinence essential. This is especially true of those striving for spiritual perfection, since sex rivets one to bodily consciousness.

Healthy sexuality means satisfying one's needs in a regulated way, with a plan to transcend and give up the need and desire for sex. The best regulation is to use sex in marriage only for procreation, with the intention of bringing children into the world and raising them in Krishna consciousness.

"Therefore, we should give up the so-called pleasure of Sexual Desires and simply take shelter of the lotus feet of Krishna, which are the actual shelter of fearlessness. Entanglement in sexual life is the root cause of material attachment, indefatigable desires, moroseness, anger, despair, fear and the desire for false prestige, all of which result in the repetition of birth and death."


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