Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Does God Exist........

Does God Exist ?

Recently i came across a question. " DOES GOD EXIST" and "IF HE DOES WHY CANT I SEE HIM ?"

i got the answer while reading a book. i thought i will share.

we are imperfect . we have to agree upon this . i mean we dont have perfect senses. like for eg : we cant see x-rays neither can we hear ultrasonic sound.
how can we percieve someone with perfect senses[god] with our material senses?

take this example : i say "I WANT TO SPEAK/SEE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES RIGHT NOW " . so will he come ? no right ? and then you cannot make a statement that he(THE PRESIDENT) does not exist.
first you must be qualified to meet him and then you must desire.

similar is the case with god. god [krishna] does not reveal himself to people who dont believe in him as they are ignorant about him. even if he comes before those people ,they wont recogonise him.


Anonymous said...

Its Really Nice To Read Your Text on "God Exist". ya, its fact we are not qualify person to met God,but i think we r not qualify, coz we are searching God Here and there, and searching question, "is he exist or not?",instead to listen our soul voice.
I think yes he is existing and we r achivable to our god, if we start to hear our soul voice, and just following that, with some belief, ... in short, its all our belief.

Anonymous said...

hey karan..that's quite a piece of realisation!!..truly amazzing!
I'm sure Krishna will take you back to Godhead soon...
way to go dude!

Anonymous said...

YUP!!THE question is pretty tactical!!!mankind started becoming barbaric at early ages!
later when years rolled by he started making people to fear something!!!!so dat's god